Shinkichi Tajiri Dutch-American, 1923-2009
Executed and cast c. 1974
"In 1967 I wanted to make a sculptural statement that would cut through all the mystification that I felt was invading the art scene. Sculptures that would be instantly communicable to everyone and at the same time formally timeless. This was the beginning of the Knots."
- Shinkichi TajiriProvenance
Private collection, The NetherlandsExhibitions
1993, Tajiri, Retrospective exhibition, Museum van Bommel van Dam, Venlo1997, Tajiri, Stille dynamiek en eenheid in pluformiteit, Cobra Museum, Amstelveen
2003, Shinkichi Tajiri: Snelheid, Erotiek en Geweld, Museum Het Valkhof, Nijmegen